2007-2010 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Project: ‘The Work of Fans: Anime Otaku and Transformations in
Labour.’ (Principal Investigator)
2003-2010 William Dawson Chair
Project: ‘Cinema, Animation and the Emergence of New Media.’
2002-2005 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Project: ‘Cinema and modernism in interwar Japan: Tanizaki Jun'ichirô
and the 'cinematization' of tradition.’ (Principal Investigator)
1998-2002 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Project: ‘Inscription, sensation, and emergent community: ritual theory
and practice in contemporary Southeast China.’ (Co-Investigator)
1998-2001 FCAR Nouveau Chercheur
Project: ‘Le sélectionnement et l’adaptation des textes et des technologies
chinois dans l’ancien Japon, et la révision de ce dialogue
interculturel au 20e siècle.’ (Principal Investigator)
1995-1998 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Project: ‘Visibility, Motivity, Sovereignty: The Organization of
Perception, Movement and Space in Heian Japan.’ (Principal
1991-92 Fulbright-Hayes Fellowship.
1988-89 Japan Foundation Research Grant.
1987-91 New Century Scholar, University of Chicago.