EAST 663

Seminar: The Politics of Potentiality

WEDNESDAY 3-5  —  ROOM 302, 3434 McTAVISH

Week 1

Gino K. Piovesana, Recent Japanese Philosophical Thought, 1862-1996: A Survey (Japan Library, Curzon Press, 1997).

Weeks 2-4

Nishida Kitarô, An Inquiry into the Good (Yale University Press, 1990).

西田幾多郎「善の研究」講談社学芸文庫 1781 (2006)

Nishida Kitarô, Ontology of Production, trans. William Haver (Duke University Press, forthcoming): includes “The Standpoint of Active Intuition,” “Expressive Activity, and “Human Being.”

西田幾多郎、 『行為的直観の立場』



Week 5

Kuki Shûzô, Reflections on Japanese Taste: The Structure of Iki (Power Publications, 1997).

九鬼周造、「いき」の構造、九鬼周造全集第一巻, pp. 1-85.

Week 6

Watsuji Tetsurô, Culture and Climate: A Philosophical Study (Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1971).

和辻哲郎「風土・人間学的考察」 岩波文庫、春144-2 (2010)

Sakai Naoki, “Return to the West/Return to the East,” from Translation and Subjectivity (University of Minnesota Press, 1997), 72-116.

Week 7

        Overcoming Modernity, trans. Richard Calichman (Columbia University Press, 2008)

河上徹太郎・竹内好、「近代の超克」富山房百科文庫23 (1979; 2006)

Weeks 8-9

Tanabe Hajime, Philosophy as Metanoetics (University of California Press, 1986).

田辺元「懺悔堂としての哲学」岩波文庫、春693-2 (2010)

Week 10

Miki Kiyoshi, “A History of the Sino-Japanese Cultural Relations,” in Introductory Studies on the Sino-Japanese Conflict (Japanese Council Institute of Pacific Relations, 1941).

Miki Kiyoshi, “The Study of the Human” and “Towards a Logic of Imagination,” in Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook (University of Hawaii, 2001)




Lewis Harrington, “Miki Kiyoshi and the Shôwa Kenkyûkai: The Failure of World History,” positions 17:1 (2009): 43-72.

Week 11

        Gayatri Spivak, excerpts from Other Asias.


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