EAST 214

Japanese Animation and New Media

Week Twelve: Chapter Twenty: The Spiral Dance of Symptom and Specter

The first two pages of Shutter Love show us a young woman taking pictures of her girlfriends, above the table and below the table.  In fact, she is distracting them by taking pictures of their faces above the table so that she can secretly take crotches shots of them below the table. 

We apparently have a woman who is in the subject position and thus is capable of objectifying others.  It is a bit creepy, however, because she seems to objectifying other young women.

Here you have to read right to left, in keeping with the original Japanese manga.  You start in the top right-hand corner of the page on the right.   The excerpts come from the scanlation that you can find on line at http://manga.animea.net/shutter-love.html